Tax Addenda
The information on the Tax Addenda overlay is required for each recipient of an ACH Tax payment. The details vary somewhat depending on the selected authority and tax type code.
- Recipient Name
The name of the tax authority selected as the recipient of the payment
- Recipient ID
The ID of the tax authority selected as the recipient of the payment
- Tax Type Code
The tax type selected for the addenda
You can change the selected code by clicking the Edit button.
- Tax Authority Account
The authority's account name, bank ID, and account number, as predefined in the database
If the account you need is not listed, the user can instead enter the account details in the next account and bank identifier fields.
- Account Type
The type of bank account being used for this tax payment
The financial institution that serves this account, identified by selecting it from a list
If it is not listed, you can enter the ID in the Bank ID field.
Note: This field is for use when the tax authority account is not defined and selected from the list.- Account Number
The number of the bank account being used for this tax payment
The financial institution that serves this account identified is by selecting it from a list. If it is not listed, you can enter the ID in the Bank ID field.
Note: This field is for use when the tax authority account is not defined and selected from the list.- Bank ID
The financial institution that serves this account is identified by typing the ID (such as the ABA number).
The financial institution that serves this account is identified by selecting it from a list. If it is not listed, you can enter the ID in the Bank ID field.
Note: This field is for use when the tax authority account is not defined and selected from the list.- Tax Amount
The amount of the tax payment
- Taxpayer ID
The ID of the taxpayer for whom the payment is being issued and in the format of the selected tax authority.
- Period End Date
The last date of the time period covered by the payment
- Taxpayer Verification ID
An optional field that enables the state to insure that the taxpayer identification number and other identifying information are correct
It is optional to each state and may be the first four characters of the taxpayer's name, a six character access code, or other verification scheme drafted by the state.
- Confirmation Code
A code required only by certain state authorities, including Alabama