Create Service Registrations

Creating Registrations for Service payments enables you to create the Service Payments. From the Payments menu, in the Create Colombia Templates section, select Service Payment Registration.

On the Create Registration page, you can enter a specific Service Company Name or view a list of available companies by selecting a list of options under the Service Company Type or City. Then select the Service Company for which you want to create a registration.

Search and Filter Options

  • Service Company Name option enables you to locate Service Companies by name, that are listed in this page, To obtain search results based on part of the name, enter the asterisk (*) as a wildcard character, either before or after the common characters.
  • The Service Company Type option enables you to locate Service Companies by type. The various types of service companies available for registration can be viewed and selected from the drop down list.
  • The City option enables you to locate Service Companies by City. The various service companies organized by City can be viewed and selected from the drop down list.
  • Click Search to find items that fit the basic search criteria. After you have identified the Service Company you want to register you can create the service registration.

Create Registration

The following table describes the information provided on each Service Company.

Service Company Name

The Name of the Service Company.

Service Company Type

The Service Company Type associated with the Service Company.


The City associated with the Service Company.


Permits a user to create a service registration by clicking the Register Service button.