Create CTX (Corporate Trade Exchange) Payment

You use the Create CTX Payment page to create a Corporate Trade Exchange payment.

Batch Information

The details in the Batch Information section apply to the entire payment and are the same as for other ACH payment types.

Detail Description
Company Entry Description A brief description of the payment in ten or fewer characters

The entered text displays on the Payment Center page in the Transaction Name/Reference column for pending or processed ACH payments.

Originating Account The account from which the payment originates
Originating ACH Company ID The code that identifies the originator

A company account can have multiple ACH company IDs. When this is the case, the page provides a list from which a company user can select the ID that should be used for the payment.

Company Discretionary Data Additional information to identify the transaction

This field must not exceed 20 characters in length.

You can use this to include a description of the payment, an employee name, a vendor number, or a combination of transaction details.

Offset Creation Level Indicates how settlement records should be generated for the batch

Options are as follows:

  • Batch level offset – One offset created for the batch, which includes all recipient entries
  • Transaction level offset – Individual offset records created for each recipient entry
Note: This option appears only when your company is configured for balanced ACH files.
Effective Date The date on which you want the payment settled for all recipients in the batch

The standard effective date is supplied, but the date may be changed by typing it or selecting it from the calendar.

Be sure to allow enough time for processing. The system checks the following conditions to determine whether an entered date should be allowed:

  • Non-processing days – The effective date must allow for a send date that is a business day (processing day) for the financial institution. Note that the processing schedule may vary according to the payment type.
  • Minimum lead time – Transactions must be scheduled either one or two days before the effective date, depending on whether the payment is a credit, debit, or mixed batch.
  • Future-dating restrictions – The financial institution may restrict the number of days into the future that a payment can be scheduled.
  • Allowance for same-day settlement – For payments that both originate and settle within the financial institution, the effective date can be the same as the current date.
Frequency How often the payment should be made
  • If a single, non-recurring payment, select One Time Only.
  • If a recurring payment, select Recurring, and make a selection for each of these options:

    Recurring Schedule – Select a payment schedule from the list.

    Weekend/Holiday Schedule – For weekend or holiday payments, select either previous day or next processing.

    Number of Payments – Select one of the number of payment options.

    See also About Recurring Payments

Workflow Options for the final steps in the workflow

The options are as follows

  • Save as Template – Saves the information on this page as a template
  • Approve on Submit – Approves the payment automatically when you submit it
  • Confidential – Indicates that the payment should be visible only to users who are entitled to manage confidential batches:

    The user entitlement that enables a user to mark new payments as confidential also enables the user to view payments that have been already marked as confidential.

    If the payment is created from a template that is marked as confidential, then the payment is also confidential. This setting cannot be modified regardless of a user's entitlements.

Note: This option appears only when your company is configured for balanced ACH files.


You can create new recipients by selecting them from a list, creating them, or by importing the information from a file.

After adding one or more recipients to the payment, the list displays the following details and options for each recipient.

Column Description
Recipient Name The name of the payment recipient
Recipient ID An identifier for the recipient
Bank ID The bank routing number of the account
Bank Name The name of the recipient's bank
Account The number of the recipient's account
Account Type The type of account:
  • Checking
  • Savings
  • Loan
Amount The Invoice Amount Paid, as entered in the remittance addendum
Credit Displays "Credit" to indicate the payment as a credit transaction
Disc. Data Discretionary data is an optional code specific to the originating financial institution that enables specialized transaction handling.

This field is two characters. Depending on the needs of the originating financial institution, it can either hold a single two-character code or two distinct one-character codes.

Status One of these statuses:
  • Active – The transaction is available for processing, that is, not on hold
  • Hold – The transaction is on hold for the recipient. Other payments in the batch can be processed.
Note: Prenotes are not applicable to this payment type.

Click the Set All button to quickly change all the recipient transactions to the same status (Active or Hold).

Addenda Additional remittance information, specific to the recipient

Click Add Remittance to add the required information. For more information, see Add/Edit EPN 820 Payment Order/Remittance Advice.

Remove To remove the recipient, click (the Delete Icon).