Add/Edit EPN 820 Payment Order/Remittance Advice

The Add EPN 820 Payment Order/Remittance Advice page enables you to enter the remittance details for the CTX payment.

Remittance Information

The Remittance Information section specifies the accounts receivable open item(s) to be included in the cash application and includes the following details.

Reference Number Qualifier

A code that identifies the type of Reference Number as one of the following:

  • IV – Seller’s Invoice Number
  • PO – Purchase Order Number
  • R7 – Accounts Receivable Open Item
Note: If the selected qualifier is IV - Seller’s Invoice Number, then you must also enter a Date Qualifier and Date below.
Reference Number

Reference identification number, which is specific to the Reference Number Qualifier. For example, if the selected qualifier is IV, then the Reference Number is an invoice number.

Note: Typically, the invoice number is used. If no invoice number is available, users can instead specify a PO or other identifier. If both an invoice and PO number are known, then the user should enter the invoice in this field and enter the PO number in the Reference Number field located in the Reference Information section.
Date Qualifier

A code that identifies the type of date entered as one of the following:

  • 003 – Invoice
  • 004 – Purchase Order
  • 092 – Contract Effective

Date details specified in this field and the next comprise a DTM data segment of a CTX transaction.


Date specific to the Date Qualifier

For example, if the selected qualifier is PO, then the date is the purchase order date.

Dates can be typed in the format MM/DD/YYYY or selected using the calendar.

Invoice Amount Paid

The net amount being paid after all discounts and adjustments. When paying an original invoice in full, the calculation of the Invoice Amount Paid is as follows:

  • Original Invoice Amount - Discount Amount + Adjustment Amount (a negative number)
  • The amount entered for this field displays as the transaction Amount in the Recipients list.
Original Invoice Amount

The amount of invoice (including charges, less allowance) before any discount or adjustment.

Discount Amount

Amount of discount to be applied to the Original Invoice Amount.

  • All entered amounts must be between $0.01 and $99,999,999.99. CTX payments do not allow prenotes or $0 amounts.
  • Remittance information is required, with minimum entry of a Reference Number Qualifier, Reference ID Number, and Invoice Amount Paid.

Additional Reference Information

The Additional Reference Information section enables you to enter optional information related to a purchase order number or other identifier. This section includes the following details.

Reference Number Qualifier

A code that identifies the type of Reference Number as one of the following:

  • BM – Bill of Lading Number
  • PO – Purchase Order Number
  • R7 – Accounts Receivable Open Item
  • VV – Voucher Number (authorization to pay)
Reference ID Number

Reference identification number, which is specific to the Reference Number Qualifier. For example, if the selected qualifier is PO, then the Reference Number is a purchase order number.


Additional notes or comments, up to 80 characters in length.

Note: Reference Information is optional; however, if entered, both the Reference Number Qualifier and Reference ID Number are required.

Adjustment Information

The Adjustment Information section includes the following details:

Adjustment Amount

A dollar amount indicating the difference in the payment from the Original Invoice Amount.

Adjustment Reason Code

A code that identifies the reason for the adjustment as one of the following:

  • 01 – Pricing Error
  • 03 – Extension Error
  • 04 – Item Not Accepted – Damaged
  • 05 – Item Not Accepted – Quality
  • 06 – Quantity Contested
  • 07 – Incorrect Product
  • 11 – Returns – Damage
  • 12 – Returns – Quality
  • 59 – Item not received
  • 75 – Total order not received
  • 81 – Credit as Agreed
  • CM – Covered by Credit Memo
Note: Adjustment Information is optional; however, if entered, an amount and a reason code are required.
Adjustment Description

An optional text, up to 30 characters in length, describing the adjustment.