Authorize Direct Debit

An “Authorize Direct Debit” link will be available for Manual Invoice payments on the Manage Service Payment Registration list if the Service Company supports automatic direct debit payments. Any Service Company supporting direct debit for which a Manual Invoice has been retrieved is eligible for direct debit enrollment. Successful retrieval of the invoice confirms that the service has been enrolled correctly. If the “Authorize Direct Debit” link is chosen, the user will be directed to the Register Direct Debit Service screen detailed below. The Payment Method will be changed to Direct Debit as soon as the Direct Debit registration is sent.

Service Information

Service Company Name

The name of Service Company associated with this registration.

Service Company Type

The Service Company Type associated with this Service Company.


The City where the Service Company is located.

Registration Information

Registration Name
Name given to registration in the registration process.
Debit Account
Debit account number and nickname selected in the registration.
Service Account ID
Your company’s contract number or client ID with the service company.
Maximum Amount Allowed
Maximum amount of payment authorized by the company for the direct debit.
Note: Be sure to select an amount that accommodates your highest invoice amount or the direct debit won’t be processed.
Payment Date
Payment Date options for the direct debit are:
  • On Due Date
  • Upon Invoice Receipt
  • Days in Advance of Due Date

The default is to pay On Due Date. If Days in Advance of Due Date is selected, the following required field will appear:

Number of Days. Select the number of days in advance of the due date on which you want the invoice to be paid up to a maximum of 9 days.

Email Address
Email address for notification of direct debit.