Create Advice to Receive Payment

The Create Advice to Receive Payment page lets you create an advice to receive payment.

Payment Information

Debit Account

The account from which the payment is made

Debit Amount

Amount that will be deposited into the destination account

Value Date

The date on which a wire transaction is settled by payment and delivery.

The value date can be entered by either of the following methods:

  • Manually enter the value date by typing it or selecting it using the calendar.
  • Automatically calculate the next available date by clicking Get Value Date. The system determines the date the beneficiary account will be credited.

Also, note the following:

  • The system checks that the date is a business day for the bank. If scheduled for today, the system verifies that the cutoff time has not passed.
  • Future-dating restrictions – The financial institution may restrict the number of days into the future that a payment can be scheduled.
  • Minimum lead time:
    • Transactions must be scheduled either one or two days before the effective date, depending on whether the payment is a credit, debit, or mixed batch.

      Payments may require one or more approvals and thus need additional time for processing.


How often the payment should be made

  • If a single, non-recurring payment, select One Time Only.
  • If a recurring payment, select Recurring, and make a selection for each of these options:
    • Recurring Schedule - Select a payment schedule from the list.
    • Weekend/Holiday Schedule - For weekend or holiday payments, select either previous day or next processing.
    • Number of Payments - Select one of the number of payment options.
    • See also About Recurring Payments.
Sender's Reference

Optional reference information for this payment

Related Reference

Optional, additional information about the payment

Ordering Customer Information

This section defines the details for the ultimate originator for the wire payment. You can provide this information in either of the following ways:

  • Enter ordering customer – This option defines the ordering customer using an individual person's name and address.
  • Enter ordering bank – This option defines the ordering customer as a bank.


The options in the Settings section affect how the payment will be processed and made available.

Field / Option Description
Routing Instructions The section can be used to identify the following optional information:
  • Intermediary bank
  • Receiving bank
  • Bank to bank information

Selecting a check box adds the corresponding information. When additional fields appear, enter the information, as needed.

Workflow The section includes the following options:
  • Save as template – This option saves the completed transfer instructions as a template, which is useful if you regularly make the same type of transfer. If you select this option and click Continue, a page appears where you can define template details.
  • Approve on Submit – The payment receives one of its required approvals upon submission. If only one approval is required, the payment is sent for processing. If more than one approval is required, the payment is placed on the Pending Payments list to await the additional approvals by other users.