ACH Quick Entry History page

The ACH Quick Entry History page displays information about processed ACH Quick Entry payments. Only payments that were created using the ACH Quick Entry page are displayed. The following ACH payment types are available for Quick Entry:
  • PPD
  • CCD
  • WEB
  • TEL
ACH Quick Entry payments are displayed in the Quick Entry History page after they have been created or have failed in the Create process. If no payments are displayed, refresh the page.
The following describes the information provided for each payment.
Template Name
The name of the template used for the payment. Also displayed is the current description of the template at the time of quick entry payment creation.
Create Date/Time
The date and time the history records were created.
Effective Date
The effective date of the payment, as selected in the ACH Quick Payment page
Debit Amount
The total debit amount for the payment
Credit Amount
The total credit amount for the payment
Last Modified By
User ID of the last user to modify the payment
If the Quick Entry payment was created successfully, this field will contain the same status for the payment as in the Payment Center. A View Status hyperlink is displayed for payments that need review if the error message exceeds 100 characters, or when multiple messages are present. If a created payment is modified, the Effective Date, Amount, Last Modified By, and Status columns will reflect the changes.
Payment Number
The number assigned to the payment by UOB